(832)420-2665 okay to text
Our main business number listed below receives text messages. If you text us your name & address along with a brief description
I WILL reply ASAP!!!!
I've got 27 years experience working in the HVAC industry. after almost ten years of working for some of the biggest AC companies in the Houston area
I decided to go into business on my own in 2007.
below are some of the reasons why our prices are lower than our competitors.
We don't have a fleet of vehicles to keep going.
We don't have a big expensive shop to pay for.
We don't have dozens of employees on the payroll.
We don't pay for over priced advertising.
Basically we don't have to sweat coming up with TENS of THOUSAND of dollars each and every month... JUST TO STAY AFLOAT!!!
Bigger might be better in some instances but not AC companies.
I do most service calls myself. not a tech who's paid commission
so he's motivated to make as much money as possible off each call.
We do top quality work at very reasonable rates. We take our time to do a neat & thorough job regardless how long it takes "Quality before Quantity"
We always do top rate work done the right way, all at a below average price. Call us today and see why so many people refer us to all they're
friends & family.
Owner, Technician Steve Spears
Before you spend thousands of your hard earned dollars on any AC or heating repair or install call me first.
I give free quotes and 2nd opinions and regularly save my customers thousands of dollars.
If I don't answer the phone
it's best to text me
I do these calls myself.
my phone's ringer goes
silent at 10pm but my
text alert is on vibrate.
sorry I can't get to all
who contact me but
I will if I'm able to.
I need to get sleep
at some point. my
day starts at 7am
thank you
Steve S.
Our price for a new AC & Heating system is typically $1,000 to $3,000 less than most companies prices, for the exact same or better job.
We service League City, Clear Lake & surrounding areas.
I reply quickly to texts.
please include:
1. name
2. address
3. brief description
4. time frame preferred
II usually reply within
15 minutes or less